So this weekend my sister and I decided to be tourists in our hometown.
I remember our mam used to bring us to Westport House when we were little and its changed sooo much - the only thing thats the same is the bunny (Pinky I believe hes called) that they bring out for the kids. This old bunny looks like he could star in a horror movie.! lol Maybe thats just me as I have a MASSIVE fear of people dressed up as characters (I was scared by one as a child and since then I just cant.!) some say its irrational but I just don't like the way they get right up in your space.!!
ANYWAY even though we didn't go on any of the rides (word ride used very loosely) we still had a fun day.!
Next time we're definitely going on the mini train for old times sake
So I wanted to share what I wore on our mini adventure with you guys
Outfit Details:
Shirt: TKMaxx Shorts: Dunnes Stores
Sunglasses: River Island Bag: River Island
Necklace: Penneys Bracelets: Alex and Ani Shoes: Nike
So I wanted to share what I wore on our mini adventure with you guys
Outfit Details:
Shirt: TKMaxx Shorts: Dunnes Stores
Sunglasses: River Island Bag: River Island
Necklace: Penneys Bracelets: Alex and Ani Shoes: Nike
I must say Im so grateful to my sister for being my photographer and putting up with me and my 'Oh this would be good for the blog' lol #DoItForTheBlog.!!
I made sure to take some footage while I was there so be sure you check out my YouTube channel and subscribe and you can see this OOTD in person below
Hope your enjoying this summer weather
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